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RM Success?

Relationship marketing is the very best, if not the only way to build longevity in your business and your life. I still have friendships with people I met and built a business and relationship with back in 1993.

That was a time of belly to belly marketing as it was then. I still went for the relationship marketing method rather than the 3-foot rule we were taught. I had already built several organizations before discovering the relationship marketing strategy.

I can tell you from experience that it did not work out very well. I have built organizations with several different MLMs over the years. I do not believe that strategy works very well for longevity.

The relationship marketing strategy, on the other hand, works and is sustainable for many years. I was contacted by someone this past week that I had developed a relationship with over 20 years ago. That just confirmed once again that this works very well.

We were in business together back in 1994. The company fell apart, but our relationship survived. This Lady was not just a recruit because we built a friendship. Our families spent lots of quality time together.

This little story is authentic, and I intend to show you relationship marketing works very well. This story is only one example. We all offer different valuable and beneficial insight to many different strategies. We do not know what we do not know that we do not know.

But believe me, it will come up eventually. That is when these great friends you have connected with shine. They all are valuable assets, and you are to them as well. Relationships like this are undoubtedly two-way deals.

CLICK HERE for RM Part 3


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